Saturday, November 8, 2014

My children give me JOY!!!

Last night, we had a homeschooling/ church friend party for Megan.  We had school in the morning and then used all afternoon to get ready for the party.  We had a Halloween party here last week, so a lot of cleaning was done, but there was some to do yet.

Here are some phrases I heard throughout the day:

1.  (this one took place at 7:30 am) Megan: "Mom, what can I do to help?" Me: "Hmmm. The playroom needs to be picked up." Megan: "Ok" and she ran off to clean the playroom at 7:30 am!!!

In the afternoon, I heard much of the same.

2.  Megan: "What needs to be done yet?" Me: "Your bedroom needs to be picked up." Megan: "Ok" and off she goes.  She and Courtney both picked up their bedroom, made their beds, and finished cleaning the playroom.

3.  Courtney :"Can we decorate? Please?" I gave them a roll of streamers and told them to decorate whatever they wanted, but they had to work together! They put streamers in every doorway, around the banister, and even around the chandelier in the dining room!

4.  Megan and Courtney both helped clean up their perler beads off the dining room table and Christian got on the floor and picked those all up.

5.  They also cleaned up the lego mess in the living room.

6.  Later I heard, "What else can we do?"  "You can put all the plates, forks, cups, and napkins out."  They knew exactly what to do, and they got the job done!

7.  You know how Christian helped? He was Chef Christian!  I noticed that he kept wanting to "help" the girls, but was really only getting in their way, so he put on his apron and helped me make cupcakes! He's a great helper! He also helped by cleaning out the bowl after I made the cupcakes!

8. Once everything was done, they continued to ask what they could do. Seriously, are these MY children??  I felt bad that there was nothing left to do!!

At the end of the day, I was very proud of my girls (and boy).  If I was 8 and almost 11 and I knew my mom was cleaning the house for a party, I would've tried every trick in the book to get out of helping. But not my children- they WANTED to help!! I was so proud of their attitudes and their eagerness at the end of the day!

We had a lesson last week at church during D6 about our attitudes on  parenting. They had notecards on the tables and we were supposed to write down one word that described parenting to us.  My first thought was to write down a negative word, such as tiring, challenging, and hard, but I decided against it.  Honestly, yes, parenting is challenging and hard sometimes, but in in the end, it gives me joy. I wrote down "joyful" because that's what I think it is to me and yesterday, my girls (and boy) gave me lots of JOY!!!! 

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