Friday, November 7, 2014

Long Night and Big Day!

Anybody else up last night from 3-5 am?? I was woke up at 3:15 am thanks to a kid who had to go potty and get a drink.  I got him back to bed and about a half hour later, he was coughing pretty hard, so I went into the girls' room and got the vaporizer we had been using for Courtney and put it in Christian's room. Ok, back to bed again.  Fifteen minutes later, the boy is still coughing and I am tired, so I decide to pull out the albuterol. I know I shouldn't use this, but we all needed sleep! Two puffs and about five minutes later, he stopped coughing and was back to sleep.

Not so for myself, I was awake.  About 45 minutes later, I heard this unusual metal grinding noise and I turned to matt and said, "What was that??" He also heard it.  He got up and headed downstairs to inspect. It was the backflow preventer on the sprinklers! He had turned them on to run so they wouldn't freeze up, Matt hasn't winterized them yet, so he wanted them to run. I'm not sure how the backflow preventer is part of this, but apparently it is!  Everybody back to bed again. By the time this was over, it was about 4:30 am.

At 4:52 am, Matt got up. Apparently he couldn't get back to sleep and just got up for the day. Not me!! Once he got up, I eventually got back to sleep! When my alarm when off at 7:15 am, I was out! I am glad I set it!

I have to get up and get going because today is a big day! We're having school this morning and then Megan is having a church/ homeschooling friends party tonight, so we need to get ready for that!

It should be fun! It's birthday weekend, so the parties will continue until the big birthday on Monday!

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