Saturday, July 2, 2011

Big Improvement in the pool!

With spending so much time at the pool this summer, my girls are really improving in their swimming skills. Megan can now swim in the deep end by herself and go off the slides into 5 foot of water and keep herself afloat. Wow! She can also swim the length of the pool doing front crawl and back crawl. She is really getting it! Sse finally passed level 2 in swimming lessons and she is anxious to start level 3- whenever that may be.

Courtney, on the other hand, is making her own improvements this year. She has never taken lessons before, so she took preschool level one class in the month of June. Unfortunately, she didn't pass because she wouldn't put her head under water. She missed about 3 other things, but passed the other twenty. She was so close! When she found out Thursday that she did not pass, she was in tears, especially since her friend that she took lessons with did pass.

Last night, Matt and I took the kids to the pool for a couple of hours. Megan really wanted to show Matt her new skills and I thought it would just be something to do as a family. It's been a long week here, so something fun was definitely on the agenda. By the end of the night, Courtney had made huge strides, she was putting her head completely under water!! She was doing awesome! She practiced for about a half an hour and all I heard was, "One, two, three" and she would go under, always feeling the top of her head to see if she went all the water under or not. When she would come up, she would always ask us, "Thumbs up or thumbs down?" Of course, we would always give her two thumbs up and tell her what a good job she was doing! She was thrilled with her progress by the end of the night.

As we were walking to the locker room after we were done, she looked at me and said, "Mom, do I pass now??" I didn't know what to say!

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