Monday, November 13, 2017

Tis the season!

In addition to the fall retreat and small group at our house last night, we also had a bout of throwing up last night. :(  Just what I wanted to top off the weekend!!!!

I am sure glad Matt and I have had 14 years of experience with puking kids!  As I was putting Micah to bed, I could hear him barely gagging as if he was going to throw up. He seemed ok after he did it, so I put him to bed.  About a half an hour later, he gagged really hard, but never threw up. I ran him into the bathroom because rule #1 in this house is to NOT puke on the carpet!!!!  He didn't throw up, but he ended up falling asleep on the bathroom floor. We knew he was going to puke sometime, so I needed a plan on how to get him to bed and not in his crib. Have you ever had a kid throw up in a crib?? It is AWFUL to clean up.

I thought about it a little bit and then decided to take his crib mattress and put it on the floor in our room right outside the bathroom. As Micah was sleeping on the bathroom floor, I moved his mattress and put towels all around it to save the carpet.  I put Micah to bed and about every half an hour for the next 2-3 hours, I was awake with him as he was gagging or puking a little bit.  Finally about 2:30, he threw up quite a bit and was able to get back to sleep for good.

In the middle of this though, probably around 2, Courtney came into our room and she couldn't sleep anymore. I think she heard all that was going on and was feeling like she was going to get sick too. Matt gave her a bucket and put her in front of a movie downstairs.  Once I got Micah back to bed, I went and checked on her, and she said she was feeling better and was going to go to bed once the movie was over.  I went back to bed and crashed!

Micah woke up at 8 am and is doing much better. He ate some oatmeal and is playing. The older kids are still sleeping. Hopefully none of them will get it!!!!

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