Sunday, November 5, 2017

A little venting...

I am going to vent a little bit. This is my blog; I can say what I want. :)

1.  When you say you are coming to a party, then come. If you decide not to come at the last minute, let your host know so they don't have so much food left over!!! 

2.  If you RSVP as a maybe, please let your host know either yes or no. That way, they do not buy food for you "in case" you decide to show up.

3.  If you can't come at all, it would be nice to say that too. Just a simple "no" would be efficient. Nobody needs to know why. 

4. If you were invited, you said "maybe", but then put pictures on Facebook of yourself at another friend's house during the party, well, then, I don't think that is very considerate either.

Anybody want four extra pizzas and 3 large bags of salad???  Cake anyone??

Vent over.

PS I told myself that I was not going to hunt people down to get a "yes" or a "no" out of them anymore, but maybe I should!!! It would sure save us some money!!!!

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