Saturday, November 4, 2017

I will do it myself!

Lately, I have noticed Micah is trying to do things more on his own than waiting for help! For example, this morning, we are having a little snack of grapes while we wait for the others to get up and make breakfast. The plastic sack with grapes in it are on the stove. I just saw himself pull up his stool and try to put more grapes in his bowl!

Yesterday, he helped himself to an apple and butter knife, and he showed me how he was going to cut up his own apple.

The day before he brought me a pair of scissors and a packaged chocolate bar. Can you guess what he wanted me to do??

He has tried to get his shoes on by himself. He can't get his tennis shoes on, but he can get his sandals on. He is so proud when he does!!  This usually means that he wants to go outside.  One day, he was sitting in front of the door with his shoes and jacket in his lap and the baby stroller beside him saying, "outside, outside!" This boy knows what he wants to do!

Some days he brings me what he wants for lunch. One day he brought me a can of BBQ beans and the can opener. 

He often helps himself to water.  He can get to his cups, so he will grab one and then go over to the fridge and fill it up from the front. If you are not watching him, he will keep filling it up until it overflows and water spills all over the floor! I try to let him fill up his cup once in awhile with supervision. I will say "that's enough" when there is just a little bit in there. He can drink out of a cup pretty well, so once that is gone, he always insists on having more. After about 2-3 times of this, I usually walk over and push the "lock" button on the fridge so he can't have any more water. I also get out a sippy cup, fill it up, and give it to him!

He also tries to sharpen pencils with our pencil sharpener we have right beside the computer. The bad thing is that he doesn't quite know that pens don't go in there, and I have caught him trying to sharpen pens on a couple of occasions!

I am really enjoying this stage with him! His vocabulary has grown tremendously the last month  and he is starting to put two words together. He is also able to tell us more of what he needs or wants and we can understand him. He is also very good at saying, "please" and "thank you." I love watching him on a daily basis!

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