Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A little distracted??

Today we had a full day of school. I started where I left off yesterday (we do a "loop schedule"), so the first thing up today was Christian's math.  Once we were done going over his lesson, I set the timer for a 5 minute break, and then I expected him to sit down and get it done.  I always encourage him to get his homework done as soon as he can, and then he can have the rest of the day free.

Well, apparently, I didn't keep close enough tabs on him after his five minutes because he didn't have it done by lunch time. I sent him back up to his room after lunch to finish it.

I continued going through lessons with the girls and after I had gone over his language arts, it was nearly 4 pm.  I asked him if he had his math done yet, and he said no.

At this point, he started telling me about all the plans he had for the hole in the backyard that he was going to dig.  I said not until your math is done!! My motto lately is, "No fun until your homework is done."  I sent him back up to his room to finish his math, again.

I ended up making a few phone calls, and I kind of forgot about him. The kids were outside and all was well.

I just went to tuck Christian into bed tonight (at 10:15 pm) and Megan says to me, "Hey, did you know Christian snuck outside today. He said he had to sneak out because his math wasn't done yet."  SERIOUSLY!!!! This is while Christian was sitting there doing his math at 10 PM!!!

This made me upset; he deliberately disobeyed me! I went into Matt who was already half asleep and told him what Christian did. I asked him what I should do and his response was to take his perler beads away. He has LOVED these lately and this would hurt! So I did!!! I cleaned them all up right in front of them and put them in my bedroom. Then I told him he needed to GO TO BED! He went, but he wasn't happy!

Tomorrow will be a new day.  I need to find a better way to force him to do his homework. Having him take it up to his room to do it is not working; he gets easily distracted. But sometimes I have to have him take it up or else he and Micah are constantly fighting.  He also gets easily distracted downstairs and bothers everyone else. It is a no-win situation!

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