Thursday, February 1, 2018

Oh Micah!

Micah's language has been exploding again lately. He can repeat about everything we say and can count to 12 by himself. He can even count backwards from 5 to 1 (thank you to the time on the microwave!)

Yesterday I was cleaning his room and all the barbies were out and most of them were naked. I asked him why they were all naked. He responded with, "They take showers!" Ummm. Ok!! They all needed to take showers! Now, can we put some clothes back on them??

I love it when he lays out a blanket on the floor, puts a baby on the blanket, and sings the baby to sleep. He will sing her "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Jesus Loves Me." He will then kiss the baby and tell us all "shhh. baby sleeping."  Melts my heart every time. :)

He has also been potty training his baby lately. We have a doll that we call Big Baby. He is about the size of a newborn baby. This baby used to wear diapers, but now he wears underwear (Micah's size 2-3.) Micah is not potty trained yet, but he knows about underwear and going potty. Micah insists that this baby needs to go potty, so he will take off his underwear, wipe his bottom,and take him potty. He will put the potty seat on the toilet in the bathroom and set the baby on the toilet. Often times, he will walk out at this point. The other day, I walked into the bathroom and the baby was still sitting on the toilet going potty!

He has also learned his manners a little bit too much. When you do something for him, he will say, "thank you, you're welcome" instead of just "thank you." I haven't quite figured out how we are going to fix this yet!

He also refuses to wear a bib anymore, so when he spills on his shirt, he will say, "shirt off, shirt off!"  Try telling a two year old that you are not going to change his shirt until he is completely done eating- it doesn't work so well!

I really love this stage!

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