Friday, December 16, 2016

Results from Megan's allergy test

We went in on Wednesday and had three big patches removed from Megan's back. The poor thing was in so much pain! The nurse was not very nice about it and every time she pulled on the tape, Megan jumped and cried some more. It was hard to watch! I even asked the nurse if we could take a break at one point and she just kept on yanking. :(  It was honestly like pulling a big bandaid off her back! The poor kid hurt all day.

Anyway, after the patches were taken off, the doctor came in and read the results. There were a few spots that had reacted. One of them was blistering! And amazingly, none of them were the ones the doctor thought. She is not allergy to "M." She IS allergic to caine mix, potassium dichromate (this is the one that was blistering), bronopol, and gold!  The doctor said that if she is allergic to gold, she may be very sensitive to other metals, which just MAY be why we had so much trouble with earrings when she was younger!

The doctor says he rarely sees kids with four allergens, it's usually just one or two! He also usually sees one that sticks out quite a bit more than the others, but Megan's were not so bad.

He couldn't quite equate these four allergens to her aquahives and eczema exactly, ,but he did say they might have a part to play.  He recommended changing her soaps, shampoos, conditioners, etc. to hypoallergic and he thought just that change would help her skin. I hope so!

Now I am going to go back in on Wednesday and see if we can get to the bottom of my trouble. I am pretty sure I am having trouble digesting sugar! Let's get it all done before December 31st!

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