Saturday, December 17, 2016

Learning to Talk and Communicate!

Micah is at such a fun stage right now. I love to watch his little brain grow and develop. I think the other kids are really enjoying it too. He has learned a couple signs for sign language, such as "milk," "more", and even "please" which is super cute because he can't do it right!! His hands do the same thing at the same time like Megan's, so it doesn't quite work for him! We just giggle at it!

He has also been learning some words. He can't say a lot yet, but he is beginning to understand when we talk. Courtney has taught him the #1 word in her world- "ball." We have a little basketball hoop, so she hooked it onto his crib and now they can play basketball together. Whenever we go into his room, he says "ball" and looks around for the basketball. He always looks under his crib because that is where it usually is! Today he was sitting in his chair eating and Courtney went into the garage and got her basketball. She brought it into the house and right away Micah said, "ball" really clear! Matt had never heard him say it before, so that was fun! He kept saying it over and over and over. I think he wanted it from Courtney!

He also knows when it is time to take a bath." I sometimes say, "Do you want to go splish splash?" and he takes his hands and acts like he is splashing in the water. :) 

He also has the "milk" sign down. Whenever it is time to nurse, he will go get his blanket and bring it to me. While he is coming over, he is usually saying, "this, this" and signing milk. I know he is trying to say something, I just haven't figured out what "this" means yet! He then gets on my lap and lays down. He knows what to do!! Sometimes he signs "milk" when it is not time to nurse.  I just say "no" and redirect him. He doesn't need to nurse whenever he wants! He can nurse when it is time to nurse! We are supposed to be weaning, not picking up feedings!

He also eats three meals a day and has two snacks. We nurse, eat, nurse, eat, nurse, eat, nurse, eat all day long. I swear he is eating about every 1 1/2 hours or so. He is a big boy though! He eats about everything too (except milk, eggs, wheat, and peanut butter!)

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