Monday, October 10, 2016

New Crown for ME!

I have had quite the time with one certain molar. And I am having trouble again.

When I was pregnant with Christian, I cracked a molar and my dentist refused to fix it until my third trimester, which was fine. I got it fixed and we were all well for about six months later.  At that point, it was causing me trouble again, and it needed a root canal. I got that done and we were good for awhile.

Fast forward about 2-3 years and I was having trouble again with that same tooth. My regular dentist looked at me and couldn't find anything wrong, so he sent me to a root canal specialist. It ended up that I had an extra canal in that root, so I had to have ANTOHER root canal. (Actually I had it cleaned out twice and those appointments were a week apart, so I count that as TWO root canals). Now I have had three root canals and a crown on that tooth.

Fast forward to about a month ago and I feel a sharp edge on my crown. After going back to the dentist, they found that a chunk had broken off of my crown!!

Today, I visited the dentist yet again and they took off my old crown (good bye $500!!!) and set another temporary crown in its place.  I will get another new crown in two weeks. And they also took another $200 of my money.  Two crowns and three root canals. Awesome.

This is EXACTLY why I want to get my teeth fixed.  This damage is coming from the fact that my teeth do not line up straight and I am putting extra pressure on them. I have a cross bite and an open bite, and my teeth do not fit together like they should. Maybe someday I will get them fixed, but until then, I hope I don't crack anymore teeth!!

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