Saturday, June 18, 2016

Finally moving and other updates.

My baby is not like most babies or even like his siblings. Most babies roll over at about 4-5 months, but not Micah! He is just beginning to roll over. He actually rolled over once yesterday from his back to his stomach; he was after some granola that we were snacking on in the living room! We tried to get him to do it again, but he wouldn't. Well, it's a start!

He does not like to be on his stomach, so some days I put him on his stomach and set my timer for two minutes. I let him whine the whole time.  This is why he hasn't rolled over yet! Every time we put him down, he whines, so we pick him up. We just have to let him on the floor so he learns these skills!

He can sit up great and now he wants to walk all the time.  I even helped him walk up the stairs the other day. He thought that was fun.

As for sleeping, we are getting MUCH better. We are consistently sleeping through the night now and taking decent naps during the day. I can actually predict when he will be getting tired and can work around it!

His eczema is getting better, but it is still there. I still hear, "He will just outgrow it" over and over. I actually asked a dermatologist about it yesterday and he said eczema is mostly genetic. He gave me some cream to put on it, but of course, it has 50 ingredients (of which three are alcohol based), so I won't be putting that on him! I have been putting lanolin on his face and aloe and shea butter on the rest of him lately. I try not to do steroids unless I absolutely have to.

I still haven't started solids with him yet. I haven't taken the time to grind up some food. We sometimes give him strawberry juice when we are having strawberries. Honestly, it will just be a whole lot easier when he can feed himself! He is growing well and is obviously not short of food!

He is becoming much more interactive and is definitely getting out of that "baby" stage!

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