Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cancelled, cancelled, cancelled...

I am really beginning to not like those words! The children and I have not left our house since Saturday.  Everything for the last five days has been CANCELLED! Now, I know there is about 10 inches of snow outside, but seriously! I am going a little stir crazy!!

Luckily I have two appointments tomorrow that I am not going to cancel! (If I can help it!)

The kids have been great about it though, luckily we are used to being home, so we just start with school and don't end until our work is done around 3.  I only planned on doing an 1 1/2 hours with the today, but I made it into a full day. Why not? We were home. I would rather have school than deal with the fighting! (But yes, a day off now and then would be nice.)

We do have our fair share of fighting and complaining, but we get through it.  We have plenty of distractions lately with our puppy friend that we are watching.

My thought is that we work now, we can take days off in the spring when it is gorgeous outside!  :)

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