Monday, March 5, 2018

Science Test at 8 PM??

We call it one of the benefits of homeschooling. Taking your test whenever you want!

Courtney had been working hard all day on studying for her science test. This is a new curriculum, and taking a science test is something new for her.  I gave her a review sheet with everything on it, and she reviewed it tonight with me and with her dad. I was thoroughly impressed with how much she retained!! She was reviewing with me about 7:45 and I said, "Do you just want to take your test now instead of waiting for tomorrow? You are doing a great job!"

She said, "Can I do that?"

I replied with, "We homeschool. You can take your test whenever you want!"

I gave her the test about five minutes later! I also pulled an old trick from high school. She had a couple sections that were giving her trouble, so I said she could have her notes for three minutes (We used to do this in freshman world history class!)  I was upstairs at the time and I knew she was downstairs working on her test. I heard the timer on the microwave go off, and she said she set it for her three minutes. Soon after that, she brought her test to me and was done!

She got a 91%! Very well done!

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