Sunday, February 28, 2010

Randon Thoughts from the Week

1. How do you get fingernail polish out clothes? espcially pretty Cinderella dresses....

2. How come I keep putting top sheets on my girls' beds when I KNOW they don't use them? I just end up pulling them off, washing them, and putting back in the linen closet.

3. I love that when my dryer says it is done and my clothes are really dry!

4. What am I supposed to do with 15 sacks of girl scout cookies on my counter?

5. Next time one child gets pink eye, I'm going to automatically give eye drops to the other child.

6. Why can't I find maternity clothes for a long torso like myself...I've started to hit up Matt's closet for clothes. (plus I don't really want to buy new maternity clothes for a 3rd kid!)

7. My children are independent, but sometimes they DO need help from mom. (refer to #1).

8. Why can't dishes wash themselves? and the laundry...

9. On the subject of laundry, Courtney doesn't even know that I snuck her purple blanket away and put it in the long as she has it back by bedtime, I think we're ok.

10. I love afternoon movie times, the girls watch a movie and I take a nap...great for all of us!!

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