Monday, October 17, 2011

Need some help?

Today Matt was home this morning because he worked all weekend and wanted to go into work late. He got to see the chaos that is part of our mornings, chaos that I do not like whatsoever, but today, it got crazier.

Here's how the mornings usually go.

7:30 girls and boy up, downstairs to eat breakfast and each get their own thing- Chaos #1.
Megan likes Captain Crunch, I like cereal too, but Courtney and Christian usually end up with cheese sticks, fruit, yogurt, etc. I am usually all over the place- I need to find a good solution to this that pleases everyone!
8:10 or so back upstairs to get dressed, brush teeth,and brush hair. In my eyes, this should take no more than 20 minutes for the three kids. Megan and Courtney are independent enough that they can PICK OUT and get dressed themselves. They can also brush their own hair and teeth by themselves. I have to help Christian, but he is only 1. :)

But lately, Megan has not been so independent (welcome chaos #2). Every morning, I hear, "I have nothing to wear!!!" I just bought this child a whole new wardrobe a couple of weeks ago! "What do you mean you have nothing to wear??" This has been going on for a couple of weeks now, so it's getting old fast. :)

Today though, she came nicely to me and said, "Mom, will you help me find something to wear?" So I said OK and went and helped her. After going through about three outfits, she settled on a dress, Great!! I went off to help somebody and pretty soon the whining began, "But I don't have any tights!" UGH, she told me she looked in all her drawers and even Courtney's. She was about in tears. I said, "Well, if you have no tights, then you are going to have to put another outfit on." She was not happy!

But in the meantime, we were having a little bit of trouble with Chrisitan. He has had a cold lately, but apparently he's got some troubles in other parts of his body. He was playing in his room- all ready to go- when I walked by and got a sniff. Stinky! I was helping Courtney and I saw Matt come upstairs, so I asked him if he would change Christian. It's usually a quick change. He started to change him and then realized that he had pooped up his back, he never does this, so apparently, he's a little sick. (Once I got in Christian's room to help Matt, Megan changed her clothes. :) Since Christian had gotten poop everywhere, he needed a bath.

It is now 8:30 am and departure time on Monday mornings in 8:35. We were not going to make it! Matt was going to take the girls to school, but Megan still had to brush her teeth and hair. It took her a half an hour to decide what to wear!!!

Matt and the girls walked out at 8:40! I stayed behind and finished Christian up and got myself ready. I had to go pick Megan up from Aldrich at 9:30.

I am very thankful that Matt was home this morning and took the girls to school, we would've been very late! I think we are going to start having Megan pick out her clothes the night before. I'm very glad Courtney gets dressed without a problem (for now) and Christian is usually relatively good!

When the snow comes, we will have to get ready even earlier. We will have to deal with everything that winter entails. I really wish I could just put Courtney on a bus and send her off to preschool and not have to get all the kids ready and out of the house in the morning! I am glad it's only three days a week!

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