Monday, February 28, 2011

What is wrong with me??

I just deep-cleaned two bathrooms in my house (only 2 to go!).

Why in the world did I do that??? I don't really like cleaning bathrooms!

1. It was getting to me. They were messy and dirty. They needed to be cleaned.

2. Christian was sleeping and Courtney was having "quiet time", so why not?

Ahh, I feel like I got something accomplished today!

PS As soon as the girls are able, they WILL be cleaning thier own bathroom!


  1. lol.... that was me LAST night ( I kid you not!) Corey bathed the kids so I could vacuum and he was handling them well and getting them into bed so I used that moment to unexpectedly deep clean my 3 bathrooms (down to hand scrubbing floors, showers, toilets, the WHOLE mix) they were just so gross, I hated using them. If I could only train Easton to always HIT the toilet, I'd be a happy mama!! I went to bed feeling I'd accomplished something as well. GREAT JOB!! ( if you ever want to hire out, you have my ph. #!) :-D

  2. I don't like cleaning bathrooms either Charla. Especially the toilet. Yuck!
