Saturday, February 5, 2011

Figured it out!

I went to MOPS yesterday and my discussion group leaders husband is a doctor and there is also a chiropractor in my group. Lately, we've been talking about vaccinations/ health issues. Neither one of these moms vaccinate thier children. They believe that a healthy child will not die of any of these major diseases and there are too many things wrong with the vaccinations for them to give them to their children. (We have always vaccinated our children because we believe our kids can die from these diseases! Yes, there are probably some things wrong with them, like they give too many in the first year, but we've always went ahead with them).

When Christian came down with HS Purpura two weeks ago, they were really interested in it all!
I had MOPS the Friday after we had him in the ER, so his bruises were still there, so I showed them to them and they wanted to know all about it.

Well it ends up that my discussion group leader went home and did a whole lot of research on HS Purpura. She says you cannot just google it, but you have to read through the medical journals.
This is what she found out for me.

1. HS Purpura is more than likely caused by the flu vaccine.
Christian got his 2nd dose of the flu vaccine about 4-5 days before we were in the ER. When we were in the hospital, the dr. told us that the antibodies from a cold caused it, but really it's the antibodies that your body makes to fight off the flu (from the vaccine). He didn't have a cold before he broke out, so I kind of questioned that, but now I believe strongly that it was from the flu shot. These two moms told me to NEVER get him a flu shot again! (remember they are anti any vaccines) But I tend to agree with them on this, if I give him the flu shot next year, he might break out worse and it could ruin his kidneys.

2. There has been a rises in HS Purpura in infants since they have allowed the flu shot to be given at 6 months. I guess you had a wait a year before, but now they can get it at 6 months. My friends believe this is just so they make more money.

3. My group leader also said there was a huge spike in HS Purpura last year. This was because there were more people getting the H1N1 vaccine.

4. She said that their kidneys and bowels can be affected, which the doctors did tell us! We are doing urine checks weekly for about a month and then monthly urine checks. We need to check his urine for at least 3 years (I don't know if we're going to check monthly or not, I'm not sure on the plan).

5. She recommended that I report his outbreak of HS Purpura to the CDC. She says that our doctor is not going to report it, so we should. This is why it's not always traced to the flu shot, because of the under-reporting that is done. I am anxious to do this!

We are going to have a playdate on Tuesday and talk about this some more. I remember questioning whether to get him his flu shot, but our doctor recommended it, so I went ahead with it, mostly because he is so young. The girls also got their flu mist this year. Apprarently that was the wrong decision!

Another reason not to give my kids flu shots- Another friend of mine works at the Red Cross, she said they had a 2-3 year old this year who got a flu shot and then she couldn't use her legs anymore. She said they have done a couple transfusions on her, but she's still not better.

Why don't our doctors tell us the risks behind the flu shot?
Do the pros outweight the cons?
I even asked my doctor if Christian's HS Purpura could've been caused by the flu shot and what she did say, "Of course not." Hmmm. I should show her the research!


  1. wow, very interesting. I've always questioned giving my kids SO MANY shots (like when they get 5 at a time when they are babies, that just seems wrong!) I keep asking about the cons of flue shot, etc. and the connection between autism and shots, but all dr.s tell me it's fine, keep giving the shots! I'll have to rethink that philosophy now... thanks for sharing!

  2. This is interesting. I also vaccinate my kids, but do NOT do the flu vaccine. I believe that they NEED to have shots to protect them from things like measles and polio, but when it comes to the flu, I think their body's immune system will work 1000% better than any vaccine, sine the formula in them is a guess anyway. I might think different if their immune system was compromised for whatever reason, but I have never regretted my choice to not vaccinate for the flu. I don't think the chicken pox vaccine is necessary either, but now they are requiring it to be enrolled in public school, so I don't have a choice. Another thing to think of...this year was the first year that the N1H1 vaccine was actually put INTO the regular seasonal flu shot...wonder if there is a correlation between that and the increase in HS Purpura as well?? Glad you're getting it figured out! It's always good when you can educate yourself!
