Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What was that?

Ah, a good night's sleep! I almost can't believe it! (Did it storm last night? Because if it did, I didn't hear a thing! )

a nice long walk thinking it would help labor get started = up all night with contractions
(which I think now were false contractions brought on by my "irritated uterus")

no walk, doing nothing= good night's sleep

It just doesn't seem right!! I swear, nothing will help bring this baby along faster!

Yesterday the girls and I went to Walmart to stock up on groceries for awhile. We bought things to make baby brother a birthday cake for the day he is born. I thought this would involve the girls, they also bought him little matchbox cars for his birthday. I think they are getting excited, but of course while we were there, Courtney says, "But mom, what can I get??" I said, "Oh Courtney, people will bring you things when your brother is born." I then got her distracted with something else, I would still like to get my girls something from baby brother, it's just hard to find the perfect gift and get it while I have two little girls are in tow.

Today we're going to continue our quest of staying busy this week by going to see a free movie this morning. We are going to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks" at a local theatre. We've already seen this movie, but we'll see it again! They are offering free movies Tuesday/ Wednesday mornings during the summer. No use sitting around and waiting for labor to start!

Tomorrow we have playgroup and a doctor's appointment, Thursday we might hit up some library activities (magic show!), and Friday we are supposed to go to the spraypark with our MOMS Club and I would have my ultrasound/ non-stress test that day if baby does not appear by then! I think we've got the week covered!

And of baby decides to make an appearance, great! I'll take it!


  1. Glad you got some sleep. Oh yes there were storms. With pouring rain and lots of loud thunder. We were up with Tatiana most of the night.

  2. Hey Charla, Lisa ate some Zimtsterne and it worked great for her with Frank. He started to 'rumble' within an hour and then was out just a few hours later.
