Monday, June 21, 2010

"Real" Outings this Weekend

We had our first real outings this weekend.

My good friend Stacy, who I taught with at Bryan Middle over 7 years ago, got married on Saturday. I knew about her wedding for a long time already, even before I was pregnant with Christian. All along, she knew my due date and said, "You better make it to my wedding!" I told her I would really try, but with my two week overdue date a day before her wedding, I told her I couldn't guarantee anything.

Lucky for her, Christian came earlier than I thought, so we were able to go to her wedding. I got out of my gym shorts/ t-shirts and found a dress that fit, put make up and jewelry on, and actually felt like facing the world again! We got the girls/ boy dressed and off we went!

We only attended the ceremony though and afterwards, we went out to Valentino's (why cook when I don't have to!) and then we went to Menard's for awhile. Needless to say, I am still recovering and by the end of the night, I was hurting! We came home and went to bed!

On Sunday, we had my nieces baptism in Lincoln. We have known about this since about April/ May, so we knew we would have a busy weekend. Again, we got the girls up, got dressed up and headed off to Lincoln. It was a very nice service and we saw Rowan get baptized. Unfortunately, right in the middle of it, Christian decided to wake up and that he would need to be fed. Since we have been home since he was born, I haven't really had to find places to feed him. We're not really good at covering up with a blanket yet, so off I went to find a private place to nurse. I soon returned to the service and everything finished up.

Afterwards, we had a luncheon at a local apartment complex, which was also very nice. Shannon and Melissa did a great job hosting the party and it was fun that my brothers, sister-in-laws, nieces, and grandma got to meet Christian for the first time.

Here are some pictures from the party:

My parents plus Shannon, Melissa, and Rowan:

All six grandkids now! 5 girls and one boy
Rowan on Megan's lap, Abby, Lizzie, Courtney holding Christian

Our family:

The whole Hasemann side- there is one more baby girl coming in November, so it's only going to get bigger!

We have another wedding next Saturday in Lincoln too, so that will be another fun adventure!


  1. I love the look on Courtney's face as she his holding her brand new baby brother. :]

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the pictures, it was a big weekend, but you were able to do everything! Way to go!
