Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thoughts on a new schedule

Last fall was our trial run for homeschooling. My goal was to make it to Christmas, which I did, but certainly with some bumps along the way. I knew it was going to be a huge change, but I didn't think it would rock my world as much as it did. :)

With one semester under my belt and one to go for the year, I know what works for us, what doesn't, and what I would like to change in January.

Things I would like to change:
1. Give the girls more time together.
Courtney went to preschool in the morning and we had school in the afternoon with Megan, they didn't get much time together. This was a big reason why we homeschooled! They would finally get to play when we were done with school about 4:30-5. During the afternoons lately, Courtney has just been wondering around the house trying to find something to do. I think she gets bored while we school. I enjoy it when she joins us,but she doesn't always want to.
2. Give myself some more down time. For the last 8 years, I have enjoyed some quiet/ nap time in the afternoon, I need that! Maybe I can teach Megan in the morning while Courtney is at school. I get this at the gym twice a week, but I would rather have it at home.
3. Get involved in some more homeschooling groups. I have been to two events this fall, I heard that these groups in Omaha were SOOO active, but really, where are all the activities? I am highly disappointed. I admit, it has been hard for me to do things in the afternoon (which many things are) or over the noon hour (when I have to pick Courtney up), but really, there isn't much out there.

My proposals:
1. Instead of teaching Megan in the afternoon, teach her in the morning. I can drop Courtney off at preschool and come back home for 2 hours.
I would achive two of my goals. 1. Courtney and Megan would have more time together in the afternoon. 2. I would get to enjoy nap time again.
Of course, I would need to entertain Christian while I am teaching Megan in the morning, which might be a challenge.
2. I would then need to find a different time to go to the gym or give up my gym membership all together. Exercise has done me a world of good, so I definitely need to keep that up, I just don't necessarily need the gym membership. Megan also took classes there, but they were with preschoolers, again, not high priority.
3. Get involved in a homeschooling group somewhere, somehow! This may mean messing with an afternoon nap, but he doesn't nap good anyway half the time! I have two different options figured out. They have PE classes at the gym on tuesday/ thursdays from 1-2, these would be free with my gym membership or $6 a time without. I could also have the girls take a class at the Homeschool Learning Center on Wed. afternoons. I really need to connect with other moms, I really need the support!!
4. I want to add about a half an hour a day to teach Courtney how to read this semester.
5. Get Megan involved with more kids her age, we need to have more playdates or something.
6.. Need to figure out how to fit in dance and swimming lessons (signed up, but optional). don't forget about AWANA on wed. night, groceries, errands, trips to the library.

Now if you know me, I want a weekly schedule. I want to know what is going on and where I am going. I don't want my days packed full and I like a little flixibility, but I definitely need to try something new. I could maybe even do school on only Mon/ Wed/ Fri and take tuesday and thursdays off from school and do all the kids' activities and run errands. I would need to make the extra day up on the weekend or evenings, but homeschooling is about flexibility, right?

This may take some time to figure out, can you tell I've been thinking about it for awhile?

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