Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Development

Here's some of Christian's latest developments:

1. We've been working with Christian on sign language for awhile now, but lately, he seems to have finally gotten some of them.

He can sign:
All done
wash hands

I know it's not many, but they're the most useful ones!

He can also understand many words that you say. The other day we asked him, "Where is Dell?" and he looked right at the dog! He knew Courtney, Megan, and daddy, unfortunately, when we asked, "Where is mommy?" he didn't look at me. :( We may need to work on that one.

2. He can also stand up all by himself now. No more crawling over to something to pull himself up. I think his crawling days are done! It's funny because Megan learned to stand up by herself first and then she learned how to walk. Courtney and Christian both learned to walk first, and then they learned to stand up on their own.

3. I also determined tonight that he might be the first kid to knock his front teeth out. For the second time in his life, he has fallen and we have seen blood coming out of his mouth. Tonight we never found where he was bleeding from, but all his teeth were straight. I think it's his frenom above his teeth, he had a pretty fat lip tonight. Poor Courtney, she saw blood on his finger and lost it. She has such compassion for him! Before he went to bed, she wanted to make sure he was ok. She does not like it when anything bad happens to him!

4. He also loves to read books! He goes crazy when you ask him, "Do you want to go read books?" I think that is his favorite part about bedtime. Now that he can sign it, he can let us know when he wants to read. Tonight, I was reading books to Courtney and Christian was on my lap. I had put all the books down on the bed and he was signing "books," so I gave him one and he was all smiles!

5. He's also much better at going to bed! Hopefully we'll get this little guy weaned soon, so we are working on going to bed without nursing. We've transitioned to reading books, singing a song, and putting him in bed. He usually cries for a little bit and goes to sleep (MUCH better than about 7-8 months ago!). Tonight, he didn't even cry, he just laid down and went to sleep! This works for his morning nap too, but I usually nurse him to sleep in the afternoon. Still need to work on that one!

6. He can eat about everything and he loves 1% milk. Apparently, mom aren't supposed to give babies whole milk anymore because it leads to obesity (whatever!), so I just give him what we drink. I will probably start going through more than 3 gallons of milk a week now. Do I get an extra fridge or go to the store more??

That is all I can think of for now. :)

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