Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bronchiolitis it is!

Megan has been coughing lately and just not sounding right. She almost sounded like she had asthma and couldn't breath right. This morning she woke up with a 100.1 fever, so Matt and I decided to splurge and take her to the doctor.

I got home from church and took her over to Urgent Care. The doctor looked in her ears and nose and all was clear, he then listened to her lungs and said they were all clear- I told him to listen again! He had Megan cough and then he listened and sure enough he heard her wheezing. I could hear it without the stethoscope!

He wants her to take albuteral treatments through a nebulizer for the next 4-5 days. Of course, my first question is, "How much is it to rent a nebulizer?" He replied, "I'm not sure, it's all up to insurance!" That is not what I wanted to hear. Hopefully it's not too much. They said the albuteral probably won't be so much either- we'll see when Matt comes home from the pharmacy. They said she could end up turning blue and we'd be rushing her to the ER, so we're going to treat her. :)

Now, we just need to keep Christian from getting it-she has a hard time sometimes keeping her hands off of him! It said online that the most common virus to cause this is RSV, I do not want him to end up with RSV and have him hospitalized! We are constantly reminding her to wash her hands. Hopefully she will sound better in a day or two.

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