Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free Pass

Ok, Christian, you were up at 1:45 this morning, but you get a free pass for it.

Yesterday you wouldn't sleep and you whined all day. My hips hurt from holding you and I just wanted to clean the living room! I had piano lessons last night and Matt was stepping on and breaking toys, so it had to be done! I did get you down for an hour nap, so that helped! But you were still incredibly tired and whiny the rest of the night.

About 7:15 last night, it was time to nurse again so we did. And you fell asleep. Cloth diaper on. Clothes on. I thought you would just take an hour or so nap and then be up for another three hours.

Nope. You decided to sleep until 1:45 this morning!

This why you get a free pass for getting up in the middle of the night.

I really didn't think you would sleep that long, but once you were still sleeping at 10, I let you be and went to bed myself! I was just hoping your diaper wouldn't leak and then I would have to change sheets in the middle of the night. I also had to feed you one more time, so I was pretty sure you would be up sometime.

At 1:45, I heard you cry, so I got up and changed you (your diaper did leak, but only onto your clothes) and fed you again and put you back to bed. You were back down by 2:15 and awake again at 7:15 this morning with A BIG SMILE on your face!!! I LOVE happy Christian!!

How can I keep this huge smile on your face all day long??


  1. You make me smile too!!!
    Hang in there it will get better...but in the mean time, you have a great attitude!!
    Love you all!

  2. Oh my goodness Charla. He's so extremely cute!! :]
