Monday, August 2, 2010

Funny way to put kids to bed!

We were at my parents' last night for supper and got home pretty late (10:30)

Here's how we dealt with putting our kids to bed last night:

1. Megan stayed awake the whole way home. When we got home, she put on herr pajamas, brushed her teeth, Matt sangs songs/ said prayers, and she went to bed.

2. Courtney fell asleep on the way home. When we got home, Matt put her right to bed. Pretty dress and all (no, this is not the first time we have done this.) Usually when she wakes up in the morning, she will come into my room and say, "Somebody forgot to put pajamas on me last night!". But this morning, she didn't even realize she still had her dress on. She did not brush her teeth or songs/ prayers.

3. Christian was asleep before we even left grandmas, I think it was about 7:45 when he fell asleep. He had his pajamas on and we put him in his carseat. He too slept all the way home. When we got home, I just put his carseat in his bed and let him be! (If he would've been our first kid, I probably wouldn't have done this!) He slept there until 4:44 this morning! That was a long stretch, except I kept waking up and checking on him because he wasn't up at usual times to eat.

I fed him then and he was awake a little bit. At 5:30 he went back to sleep for about another 1 1/2 hours, then he ate a little bit more, slept a little bit more. He did this until Courtney came into my room at 8:45 am.

Now we are all up for the day. We only have about another week of sleeping in until Megan has to start getting up and going to school every day. Hopefully Christian will start sleeping through the night pretty soon and I can get a good night's sleep again! I'm tired now the way it is, I'm going to need naps or coffee to keep me going through the day in about a week!

1 comment:

  1. Funny about both the meds and carseat in bed and you have a happier baby/one that sleeps longer. Why funny? I've been meaning to comment on your posts about Christian and the reflux. We had the IDENTICAL situation when Morgan was about his age. Solution for us? I cut down on dairy (ice cream, mostly), they put her on prescription Nexium, AND we would put her in her car seat, IN HER BED to sleep. The sleeping sitting up helps so the acid doesn't creep back up, and we put it in her crib so she would get used to sleeping in her own bed/room. She grew out of both the meds and sleeping in her carseat at night at about 3 months, but all of it worked and kept me sane! So sounds like you're doing all the right things to make it better, I say keep doing them!!
