Wednesday, May 19, 2010

False, false, false

Yep, just got back from the midwife and I am going nowhere fast! I am not dilated/ not effaced, nothing. again. She said that I'll be hanging out for awhile yet, which was my original plan. Might as well plan my induction date for the middle of June!!

Heartbeat was fine, I was measuring 39 1/2 for being almost 38 (yikes), she said, "What have you been eating? steak??" I didn't gain any weight and my platelets are at 107,000- up 6000!

Not much else, I will go back in a week and I am not going to get checked again until I am 40 weeks at where I will probably STILL be nothing!!

(Really, I shouldn't be surprised at this. I was two weeks overdue with Megan and 0 cm dilated...I think I was 40 weeks pregnant with Courtney and the same. ugh. I hope I don't pass these overdue genes onto my girls!)

1 comment:

  1. But
    charla I passed them on to You,Its your job now to pass it on!! Glad to hear you are doing ok!
